What’s Your CTA? (Call to Action)

Do you have a really great cause you want people to contribute to? Wondering how you can get people to respond, or act, upon that need? Time to come up with a Call to Action, or CTA.


A Call to Action is typically found at the end of a script or piece of media. They vary depending on the content, but they all try to get viewers to do one thing – act. Whether you’re trying to get more people to sign up for your course or buy your product, you’ll need a CTA.


To come up with your CTA, think about what you want the viewer to do at the end of seeing your content. Check out the tips below to learn how you can write an effective CTA.

Write An Enthusiastic End Goal

One of the most important things to get from a CTA is a strong response from your audience. If they’re excited about your product or service then you’ve already won!


CTA’s like, “Start saving for your dream home” or, “Make a positive change in your community,” go a long way in setting your audience up for success. Emotional marketing greatly impacts what consumers do and buy, and by suggesting a positive end goal you’re more likely to influence their decision (which is good for you)!


Check out these positive buzz words that will help get audiences excited about your CTA: 273 Winning Words for Emotional Copywriting


End the Conversation Creatively

A great way to get someone’s attention is by calling them to act in a creative way. An exciting and unique CTA will always grab someone’s interest over one they may have read before. With consumers seeing an average of 6,000-10,000 ads per day, a generic CTA can’t always get the job done. If this is happening to you, it’s time to spice it up.


Below are some examples of how you can make your CTA more creative.


Instead of…

Call today!


Buy now!


Try this…

Give us a ring!

Explore to learn more!

Deals are going fast, don’t miss out!


Explore these great CTA examples – let them be your foundation to something one of a kind: 11 Kick-Ass Call to Action Examples


Use Numbers and Command Verbs

If there are two things audiences respond to, it’s numbers and a good command verb. Using one or both of these tools in your CTA is a great way to boost engagement.


Sharing numbers that relate to pricing, promotions, incentives, or discounts help a viewer decide whether they want to purchase that product or service. If your video’s goal is to sell something, then including the cost of that product is the way to go. (Wordstream, 2021)


Additionally, if you want to request that the viewer does something after seeing your video, including command verbs is essential. Be clear with your audience and let them know what their next steps are. Words and phrases like, “download,” “find out how,” “learn more at,” “shop,” “buy now,” or “subscribe,” are all great places to start.


Here are some examples of CTA’s that include this information:


Using Numbers

Order today and get 15% off!

Only 1 in 5 people will join the cause. Will you?

Become 1 in a million, contribute to our journal today


Using Command Verbs

Don’t wait, buy now!

Learn more at

To find out how you qualify, call 203-123-4567


Is there a call to action that performs well for you? We’d love to know what your best CTA’s are and how you engage with your audience. Let us know!